COMy 2022 Achievement Awards
Supported by GSK
We are delighted to congratulate the winners of the 2022 Multiple Myeloma Achievement Awards.
Prof. Francesca Gay and Prof. Jill Corre
This year, these awards in particular recognized women in our field, rewarding innovative research that contributed significantly to development and progress in the field of Multiple Myeloma, and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias in general.
The COMy Congress Organizing Committee is honored to recognize both of these outstanding individuals that are continuing to drive fundamental clinical and basic research forward, broadening tomorrow’s scientific and clinical horizons, with the objective of improving patient care in the field of Multiple Myeloma.
On behalf of the COMy Congress Organizing Committee
Professor Mohamad Mohty, Co-Chair COMy Congress
Professor Arnon Nagler, Co-Chair COMy Congress
Professor Thierry Facon, Co-Chair COMy Congress