Janssen Industry Symposium

Close combat: bringing the immune system in to defeat multiple myeloma

Friday, May 7, 2021 – 16:30-18:00 CEST

Mohamad Mohty

Maria-Victoria Mateos

Niels van de Donk
The Netherlands

Joseph Mikhael


16:30-16:35 Welcome & introduction
M Mohty
16:35-16:55 Harnessing the immune system: optimizing treatments for MM
MV Mateos
16:55-17:15 New frontiers with CAR T-cell therapies in MM
J Mikhael
17:15-17:35 A new era of treatment with bispecific antibodies in MM
N van de Donk
17:35-18:00 Panel perspectives with Q&A
All, moderated by M Mohty
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